Chichester Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship
Spring Conference

Cost: £5;
Free for CDEF Members, who have paid £10 subs for 2019
Further info:
Martin King 01403 822127 Hugh Lowries 01323 488527
Speaker: Carl Hughes
Carl worked in the City for 32 years, primarily in the audit practices of Andersen and Deloitte, specialising in the oil & gas, power, water and mining sectors. In 2013, he was appointed vice chairman of Deloitte UK. Since 2015, Carl has begun to build a portfolio of business, church and charitable interests. He is a member of General Synod, and churchwarden and organist in his parish church. He is married and his interests include politics, cycling and skiing.
Conference Programme
09:30 Registration, Tea & coffee
10.00 Worship and introduction
10:15 Session 1
11:15 – Tea & coffee
11:45 Session 2
12:30 Questions & Answers
13.00 Finish – Tea and Coffee will be available for those wishing to bring a packed lunch.
Public Transport:
St Andrew’s is a five minute bus ride from Crawley Bus Station (adjacent to Crawley Rail Station) on the frequent Metrobus Route 2 travelling towards K2 Leisure Centre. Alight at the Charcoal Burner.
Car Parking:
Parking is available in the adjacent St Andrew’s Primary School