Notice of Annual General Meeting: 24th March 2019
All members of Immanuel Church are invited to take part in the Annual General Meeting, which will take place at Central CE Academy, Orchard Street Chichester on Sunday 24 March at 6pm.
The agenda for the meeting will include the following items:
- Welcome and worship
- Apologies for absence
- Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting on 18th March 2018, and the General Meeting on 6th October 2018
- Matters Arising from the minutes
- Election for Leaders for 2019
- Election of Trustees for 2019
- Financial Report (Steve Blamire)
- Church Ministry report (Paul Collins)
- Other reports (to be confirmed)
- Any other business (please notify Chairman of Trustees in advance of the meeting)
Peter Bradley
Chairman of Board of Trustees, Immanuel Church
21st January 2019
Voting rights
All those who have registered as members by the closing date prior to the AGM are eligible to vote in person or by proxy. Anyone not already a member and wishing to apply to become one needs to complete a Membership Form and pass it to Peter Bradley at least 7 days prior to the AGM (ie by Sunday 17th March 2019).
Election of Leaders
In accordance with our Constitution, Leaders serve a 3 year term. This year several of the Leaders are due to step down at the AGM: Rachel Morris and Steve Blamire have each served 6 years and can only be re-elected this year under special circumstances, Justin Osmond has served for 3 years and so can stand for re-election. Jeannette Warr was co-opted onto the team last summer and will need to be elected to continue. Our continuing Leadership team will be Paul Collins (Minister), James Nicholls (Associate Minister) and Tim Lawrance-Owen.
Election of Trustees
In accordance with our Constitution, each year one third of the Board of Trustees must stand down in order of length of service. Those who stand down can stand for re-election without delay. There is no time limit on the length of time a Trustee can serve continuously (subject to being re-elected).
Marjorie Pattison has announced that she will be standing down and will not be seeking re-election. Due to length of service Steve Blamire will also stand down and could seek re-election.
The continuing Trustees are Peter Bradley, Jo Osmond and Jill Riley. Paul Collins also serves on the Board of Trustees as he is the Minister.
Standing for Election
Those who wish to stand for election as either Leader or Trustee should complete a Nomination form, which is available from Paul Collins or Peter Bradley.
Candidates must be members of Immanuel Church, and provide a personal statement (including concise biographical information) to support their application.
Candidates for the Leadership Team also need to obtain the written support of two members of Immanuel Church on the form, (ie one who proposes and one who seconds their nomination).
Candidates for the Board of Trustees also need to obtain the written support of one member of Immanuel Church on the form, (ie one who proposes their nomination).
Candidates must submit their completed forms to Peter Evans, the Elections Officer, by Sunday 10th March.
The names of the candidates will be announced to members at least two weeks before the AGM, and their personal statements will be made available at least one week before the AGM.
Proxy Voting
Members who are unable to attend the AGM in person have the right to appoint a proxy under section 324 of the Companies Act 2006 and article 19 of the Articles of Immanuel Church, Chichester. If you wish to appoint a proxy you must complete a proxy notice (available from the Minister, the Chairman of Trustees, and the Members pages of the church web site) or from the Elections Officer Peter Evans. You should return the completed proxy notice the Elections Officer, either in advance or arrange for the person appointed as proxy to deliver it to the Election Officer for registration before voting. (It is acceptable to send the completed form by email to the Elections Officer in advance of the AGM.)
AGM papers
The AGM papers, including the Annual Report and minutes of the last AGM and General Meeting will be available to view and download from the church website (members’ area) before the AGM. A paper copy will be displayed on the church noticeboard.
Peter Bradley, Chairman of Board of Trustees:
Address: 36A Grosvenor Road, Chichester PO19 8RX
Paul Collins, Minister:
Address: 12 Palmers Field Avenue Chichester PO19 6UW
Peter Evans, Elections Officer:;
Address: Flat 1 Ladygrove, Chestnut Avenue, Chichester, PO19 5QD
Church website (members’ area)