

Growing through Study

To continue growing as apprentices of Jesus, we have the opportunity to study, with many free courses and all sorts of helpful resources to build our practical skills. Some of these could be useful to share in small groups, as well as helpful for individuals. See below.

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Courses from 24-7 Prayer

The Prayer Course – 8 short videos from Pete Greig, and 24-7 Prayer team. More…

The Unanswered Prayer course – 5 short videos with Pete Greig and guest presenter. More…

Be Still course – 5 short podcasts with Brian Heasley, 24-7 Prayer.

Listen to explore the simple, transforming practice of a daily quiet time with God. More...

The Lectio course – 5 short videos with Pete Greig, and a variety of guests. How to hear God by praying the Bible. More…

Understanding the Bible

The Bible Project aims “to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere”, using different methods and many languages. You can watch short animated videos, as well as listen to podcasts and read study guides. They produce a very extensive range of materials covering historical context, overarching themes and literary design.


Videos –  short animated videos ( 5-10 minutes) – some covering books of the Bible, some large themes or word studies, others on literary types. For example a series on how to read the Bible. More… 

Podcasts – one hour long conversations on the theology ideas behind each video. Explore subjects such as the Sabbath in depth. More…

Classroom – join in free online learning classes to deepen your understanding of the Bible – watch and join in discussions at your own pace.  Many courses available. More…


Spiritual disciplines


Immanuel series: Going Deeper – view the collection of short video conversations with various church members. More…

Biblical teaching


RightNow Media – such as the latest from Anthony Delany, of Ivy Church, Manchester: a six session video course on discipleship. More...

(Immanuel has provided a RightNow Media subscription for all members.)